Memories of Austin
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Austin's school photo from this year
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One of our summer traditions was going to Cedar Point amusement park when we went back to Ohio. Austin usually came along with us. This photo was taken there. Summer 1987

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This photo was funny to us because Austin had the reputation (much to his mother's chagrin) of making faces and mugging whenever you tried to get a photo of him. From the time he was very young he did this. There are countless photographs of a group of happy people - and Austin with his tongue out, eyes crossed or worse!  Here is Johnny's "tribute" to his cousin Austin! July 97.


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Austin at a family wedding 1991
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More silliness at Cedar Point! Summer 1994.
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Austin, on his Christmas Holiday trip to visit us in  Colorado. Dec 1997.

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Johnny and Austin at Grandpa and Barb's place. July -97
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Austin & Sister


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We could always count on Austin to provide a laugh. That was one of his special gifts! Thank you, Austin for all the joy you brought.


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A Special Thank You to some special friends.

This page created with love by Aunt Sally (